Who is hawk Gates? He is a stay at home dad, former elementary school teacher, sports fan, writer of children’s books, and someone who enjoys sharing his thoughts on a wide range of topics. Order his debut children’s book here.

This Guy Shot a Man on Fifth Avenue, but Unfortunately the Only Evidence We Have is Second Hand.  Oh, Well!

This Guy Shot a Man on Fifth Avenue, but Unfortunately the Only Evidence We Have is Second Hand. Oh, Well!

I don’t know if we can convict this guy.  Allegedly, he walked out onto Fifth Avenue in broad daylight, drew a gun, and shot and killed an innocent man.  But we don’t have anywhere NEAR enough evidence to bring charges.  Darn it.  Our hands are tied!

After the alleged murder, the suspect and his lawyer went on TV and confessed to the crime.  Still, to be fair, we need to do a thorough investigation to see if we can piece together all of the facts.  This is a slippery one!

The bullet we found in the victim’s chest matches a gun that’s registered to the suspect.  But the state’s gun registry is a second hand source.  Who’s to say that the suspect actually owns that gun?  Who’s to say he even owns a gun at all?  Can we really trust the state’s gun registry records?

The suspect’s name and signature appear on the gun registry paperwork we found.  But what about that lady who works at the gun registry office?  What if she’s some kind of politically-motivated nut job and she FORGED all of the paperwork? What if she’s part of a deep state operation that’s framing the suspect for murder?  It could be!  

The police DID find a gun in the suspect’s apartment.  The gun matches the bullet which was found in the victim’s chest.  

But did the police SEE the gun at the scene of the crime?  Did they SEE the suspect pull the trigger?  No, they did not.  Finding the gun in the apartment is merely second hand evidence.  You can’t convict a guy based on that!

The suspect DID voluntarily release a surveillance video from the scene of the crime.  It shows a man who looks just like the suspect.  He pulls out a gun and shoots a pedestrian.  

You can’t bring charges based on flimsy evidence like that, though!  The video could be a fake.  It could be a tricky editing job.  It could be an actor impersonating the suspect.  The actor could have been hired by the deep state.  

One other thing about the video.  We checked, and the guy who installed the surveillance camera where the footage was taken?  He is politically motivated.  He voted in 2008.  That takes away all of his credibility.  For all we know, he planted fake video footage on the camera and made it look like the suspect committed murder. And then he convinced the suspect to voluntarily turn the video in to the authorities. This is one tricky character we’re dealing with!

What about all the witnesses, though? We questioned everyone who was present at the scene of the crime. They all confirmed what the suspect and his lawyer confessed to.  They all confirmed what the video “appears” to show.  

Nevertheless, their accounts are all SECOND HAND information, and therefore inadmissible.  Those people can’t tell us what happened. Only the victim can tell us what truly happened, and he’s dead.  So that ship has sailed!    

We DO know that the victim collapsed and died on the sidewalk immediately after the gun was fired. All signs point to that being true. 

But what if the victim didn’t actually get shot in that moment?  What if he ALREADY HAD a bullet lodged in his chest?

He could have been shot earlier in the day.  Then, he went walking down Fifth Avenue, perhaps on his way to the hospital.  And he just so HAPPENED to fall down and die at the exact moment that the gun was fired.  

THAT gun may have fired a blank!  And it might be a pure coincidence that the victim fell down and died immediately after the blank was fired.  Happenstance!  It may sound far-fetched, but it’s theoretically possible.  

One thing I know: we can’t trust the people who were standing there on the sidewalk, watching the event unfold.  They may THINK they know what they saw with their very own eyes, but they don’t KNOW, do they?

In sum, all we have is a public confession by the suspect and his lawyer, the probable murder weapon, video documentation of the incident, and multiple eyewitness accounts.  Everything lines up.  

But to jump to the conclusion that the suspect committed a CRIME?  Are you crazy?  It’s an absurd leap in logic.  This whole thing is a witch hunt.

Wait a second.  I just realized something.  Four years ago, a man named Joe Biden PREVENTED a murder from happening.  Joe Biden must be the real criminal!  

Investigate Joe Biden! 

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