Who is hawk Gates? He is a stay at home dad, former elementary school teacher, sports fan, writer of children’s books, and someone who enjoys sharing his thoughts on a wide range of topics. Order his debut children’s book here.

Hawk's Parenting Corner: “Guess What?”  Here’s a New Parenting Trick That You’re Going To Try, Then Quit Doing After Five Minutes Because It’s A Total Waste of Time!

Hawk's Parenting Corner: “Guess What?”  Here’s a New Parenting Trick That You’re Going To Try, Then Quit Doing After Five Minutes Because It’s A Total Waste of Time!

Guess what?  Do you want to try a brand new parenting trick that will change the way you talk to your child?  But then, guess what?  You’re going to quit doing it after five minutes because it’s a total waste of time!

Guess what the trick is?  When you’re talking to your child, always, always, always, begin anything you say with the phrase, “Guess what?”

You’re probably wondering why you should use the phrase, “Guess what?” so often.  Because guess why?  It keeps your child guessing and wondering.  They'll say to themselves, “Wow, I normally tune Dad out, but now that he's saying, ‘Guess what?’ it sounds like a little game we’re playing and it sounds like he has a surprise to tell me about, so now I’m going to pay more attention than usual to what he says!”

Guess what?  You’re going to see your child perk up every time you speak to them from now on. They’re going to be eagerly hanging on to your every syllable.  

Here are some sample situations to help you wrap your mind around the concept:

Praising good behavior: “Guess what, honey?  I noticed that you put away all your Legos the first time I asked! I really like it when you do what Daddy says the first time he asks you.”

Warning for bad behavior: “Guess what?  I didn’t like it when you snatched the toy out of that boy’s hand!  I didn’t like that one bit!  Why did you do that?”

Responding to whining and complaining: “Guess what?  I said no.”

Calling child to the table: “Honey, guess what?  Can you go wash your hands and then come sit at the table?”

Calling child who won’t come to the table: “Guess what? We’re eating without you.  You can play over there all you want.”

Putting child to bed: “Guess what, honey?  In the morning we’re going to wake up and Daddy is going to make pancakes if you stay in your bed until 7:00.  Does that sound good?”

Putting child to bed who refuses to calm down and go to sleep: “Guess what, honey?  No more stories, no more songs, and guess what?  I’ll go get you a toy to have in your bed, but then you have to go to sleep! Because guess what?  It’s late and Daddy is very tired and it’s time for you to go to bed so Daddy can go rest, too!”

Guess what?  Once you start using this new trick, you’re going to get your child to come to the table on time at every meal, on time to bed every night, and guess what?  As you saw from the examples above, the phrase “Guess what?” doesn’t always have to be used in a friendly, inviting way.  When a disciplinary situation arises with your child, you can also use the phrase “Guess what?” in a threatening way, right before you launch into a diatribe that will turn their little attitude right around in a hurry, so fast it’ll make your head spin.  That’s how fast their attitude will change.

Now that you are on board with this brand new parenting trick, guess what?  Your spouse or significant other is going to be begging you to stop using this trick after about five minutes because it’s really annoying and it doesn’t work.   

But guess what, you’re not going to let them stop you from using your brand new parenting trick, are you?  Because guess why?  It will soon become a phrase that you lean on, day in and day out, repeating over and over, becoming your mantra, (“Guess what?”  “Guess what?”  “Guess what?” “Guess what?”).  

You’ll be mumbling it to yourself, even when your child is not in the room. You’ll use your new mantra as a kind of shield in an attempt to stave off going insane while taking care of this child who doesn’t listen to you, regardless of all the new parenting tips, tricks, and ideas you’re using.

Guess what? You’re going to love this new parenting trick!

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