Who is hawk Gates? He is a stay at home dad, former elementary school teacher, sports fan, writer of children’s books, and someone who enjoys sharing his thoughts on a wide range of topics. Order his debut children’s book here.

9 New Cartoons

9 New Cartoons

I hope you enjoy my new cartoons. Please compare and contrast with my post from a couple of months ago and see if you think my skills are improving!

joseph and son.JPG
middle child.JPG
athlete's graveyard.JPG
food for thought.jpeg
spider university.JPG
cackle factory.JPG
birthday 2.JPG
The Best Moments From Radio’s Finest Hour: “24 Hours At the Golden Apple”

The Best Moments From Radio’s Finest Hour: “24 Hours At the Golden Apple”

Noon at the park with an 18 month-old or some lady outside the bar at 2 a.m.?

Noon at the park with an 18 month-old or some lady outside the bar at 2 a.m.?