Who is hawk Gates? He is a stay at home dad, former elementary school teacher, sports fan, writer of children’s books, and someone who enjoys sharing his thoughts on a wide range of topics. Order his debut children’s book here.

I Have To Admit, Trump Did Make Some Excellent Points at His Rally on Saturday

I Have To Admit, Trump Did Make Some Excellent Points at His Rally on Saturday

I'm no Trump supporter, but I have to give credit where credit is due. He made some excellent points at his rally in Nevada on Saturday night, particularly in this section of his speech, at about the 75 minute mark*:

President Trump: What about Labor Day? I just gave you the latest Labor Day in history. A record, they're saying. September 7, it was? [squints at a campaign aide sitting off to the side, who is vigorously nodding]

September 7.

That makes it a longer summer. Many people are saying summer's not over until Labor Day. That's what I heard. Well, that means we just had the longest summer in history. Imagine that. More time on your boats. Have you seen these boat rallies for Trump? Incredible, the enthusiasm. It’s bigger than 2016. They’re out there with their Trump flags… [trails off]

Longer summer. More time on your yacht. More golf. Anything else? Anybody play bocce ball? Bocce ball. [pauses for a moment while the crowd sits silently]

I gave you the latest Labor Day in history, the longest summer ever, but the lame stream media didn’t report on it! Nothing!

I looked at CNN. [smattering of boos]

ABC, CBS. I looked at NBC, or as I like to say it, “Con-cast.” Their stock price just went way down, by the way, when I said that.

Con-cast. I looked everywhere. But they didn’t report on my Labor Day! [crowd boos]

But that’s okay. That’s okay. We’re winning, anyway.

With Obama, you were having Labor Day on what? September 2nd? September 3rd, 4th?

Obama. Biden. Crooked Hillary. [crowd chants, “Lock her up!”]

I just gave you Labor Day on the 7th. Imagine that.

Although maybe we should move it to September 2nd. Permanently. Labor Day on September 2nd. Make it a celebration of your great 2nd Amendment!" [wild cheers and applause]

We’ll see what happens.

Like I said, I have to give credit where credit is due. If this speech wasn’t a convincing case for reelection, I don’t know what is.

*Note: Trump did not really say these things at his rally.

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