Hawk Gates Writes Awesome Stuff

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Noon at the park with an 18 month-old or some lady outside the bar at 2 a.m.?

Test yourself! See if you can figure out if each clue is referring to an 18 month-old who’s been at the park all morning or some lady who’s outside the bar at 2 a.m. Answers are at the end.

1. Inhibitions are gone

2. Fatigue setting in

3. Not interested in going home yet

4. All these strangers are suddenly her best friends in the world

5. Determined to put a cigarette in her mouth

6. On the verge of peeing herself, if she hasn’t already

7. Just needed to lie down for a quick second over there behind the trash can

8. Desperate to try a bite of that person’s turkey sandwich

9. The once pristine outfit becoming a bit disheveled

10. Can’t seem to locate one of her shoes

11. Doesn’t care that everyone's overhearing all the whiny things she’s saying

12. Unaware of and/or unfazed by the fact that she’s now getting soaked in the rain

13. Beginning to wander aimlessly

14. Sobbing for unknown reasons

15. Will leave her hat behind, return the next day to find it’s gone, then a month later, will spot somebody wearing it around town

16. Will sleep soundly after she gets home and eats a reheated bowl of macaroni

Noon at the park with an 18 month-old: 1-16

Some lady outside the bar at 2 a.m.: 1-16